Get your piss hot with Todd Haley absolutely ripping the 2009 Chiefs a new a-hole during his first training camp as head coach.
You guys wanna know what it sounds like when an NFL coach decides to cut a player during training camp?
“Number nine…Coach Anderson is saying accelerate after the catch, you catch the ball and just lollygag through. You are a rookie – free agent rookie, mind you – trying to make a team. You oughta be killing yourself after every catch.”
That is a verbal emasculation only a Bill Parcells coaching tree product could conjure up. RIP Taurus Johnson. We hardly knew ye.
The part where he says they need some guys to “figure out what the hell they want to do” and it immediately zooms in on Zack Thomas with the most “I’m definitely too old for this shit” look on his face. Priceless.

He retired like less than a week into training camp that year. Took his 1,107 career tackles and went home.
The Todd Haley era of Chiefs football was such a beautiful shitshow disaster and I’m not gonna lie, it’s kind of one of my favorite eras of Chiefs football.